28 February 2011


Before this op, i did months of research.  The most valuable feedback came from the array of weight loss surgery forums out there.

One of the things i had read about the gastric sleeve, was that post oppers rarely felt hunger if they felt it at all.

The surgeons remove two thirds of your stomach.  The part they remove is responsible for creating a hormone called ghrelin.  Grehlin sends signals to the brain that say 'oo im hungry, feeeed meeee'.

Now the thought of not feeling hungry is fantastic!  So it was something i was looking forward to post op.

Speaking post-op, the reality is slightly different.

I dont feel hunger like i used to, but i do feel it.  Before, you feel hungry, your stomach starts chruning and you cant get food off your mind until you've satiated the beast by stuffing your face with whatever it is you are craving.

Now my brain goes 'hmmm, i could go something to eat'.  My tummy growls a little and i get this hollow feeling in my stomach.  After ive eaten, the hollow feeling goes away.  So technically, its not the hunger im used to, but it IS hunger.  Those feelings dont go away until ive eaten!  Of course the good thing is i can now no longer polish off a whole pizza, garlic bread and ice-cream!  If i were allowed real food right now, i think i could just about polish of 2 slices of garlic bread!

One more week of pureed food (urgh) then im onto mushy food (yay!)

Weighed myself again today (i know, i know) and havent lost anything from Saturday.  A mild fear is setting in!  Keeping my fingers crossed for a couple of pounds loss by Saturday! 



  1. Bet it will be more than that. Been following your blog now for a few days - gonna be going for my op in April and finding your experiences really useful - thanks!! JoNew

  2. aww thanks Jo =) It relly is a life changing experience, so i want to write it all down somewhere! What op are you witing for? And i wish you all the best too! x

  3. Im going for the same as you, the Sleeve! Gotta go see GP today to tell em and ask for tests n prescriptions, hope they cooperate :-) x

  4. oh goodluck!! let me know if you need to know anything! whereabouts are you? x
