24 July 2011

Weigh in Week 21, 22 and 23!

hello fellow loosers!

havent had much to blog about as in week 21 and 22, i lost 0lbs!!  Admittedly, these 2 weeks were not good ones, food wise!  The last 2 weeks in a school means the onslaught of treats in the staffroom argh!!  The sleeve has definately put an end to my gorgoing at meal times, however, treats can still easily go down (unfortunately!), and those 2 weeks were not good. 

The sleeve and post weightloss has been easy so far, so i guess this is where i need to put effort in.  My sleeve didnt let me down, and i wont let it down either!  Last week i avoided treats etc and was met with a 2lb loss!  The good thing is that i didnt put any weight on (thank god!).

My excercise regime of zumba has also stopped due to dating!  Who would have thought guys out there would be interested in little old me (ok still some way until im considered little!).  I mean im still a heffer but i guess im more of a socially acceptable hefferness now haha!  Ive met a couple of really nice guys (a couple of 'interesting' characters) and so im looking forward to getting to know them better and see how this story ends!
If youre at the start of your journey, there is hope!  At 5 months, im finding im having to put effort in, which is fine by me!  Cant wait to see where the next 5 months takes me!


1 comment:

  1. I've been wondering when you would appear on here again. Dating?? Can't wait to hear about it next weekend!!
