19 March 2011

Weigh In Day

Well frankly, i wish i hadnt bothered!  I have lost FUCK ALL! Zero, Nada!  Arghh!

Now i know why normal dieting was never going to work for me -  i've had surgery and im loosing weight soooooo slowly, especially compared to others who've had the same op.  Ive been walking between 20-40 minutes a day, trying to encourage things along too!

It's just such a frustrating process!  I almost miss my one pound losses now hah!

I must be going wrong somewhere me thinks, so im going back to basics and recording everything i eat on fitness pal and posting it up on here.

Im not happy about this not loosing malarky, but at least im not putting on.  Always a good thing!



  1. Oh no!!! I am feeling for you. Do you think maybe you are gaining muscle...which consequently weighs more?

    Just remember, you didn't put any on and hang in there.


  2. Hey Karen,

    dont think im gaining muscle! Cant quite figure out where im going wrong really - im not hitting the carbs so it cant be that :/ Anyway, as youve said, at least im not putting on!! Maybe im just a slow looser argh x
