4 February 2011

Coming Out

When i made the decision to go ahead with the surgery, there were a select few i told.  A few close family members, my fat forum, and a couple of friends all were pretty supportive, which was nice.  My now ex, not so supportive - but thats another story...

Well it came to the point where i needed to tell work.  Now i really dont like my boss, shes a twat.  I really didnt want to tell her something so personal about myself.

I think being fat is socially unacceptable.  There really is no sympathy, empathy or understanding.  You are fat, therefore you eat too much and are lazy (ok so its true, but there are underlying issues as to why).  In this age, id feel more comfortable telling people i was an alcoholic or a drug addict.  People and authorities are quick to help.

Anyway, back to work.  So i told my boss i was having an op so id be off for a few weeks *really hoping she wouldnt ask what op*, and she asked "what op?"...Now im a really crap liar, so i had no choice but to tell her.  To be fair she was fine with it, although she asked me if i was having it done on the NHS and i quickly said yes so she couldnt ask me to postpone the surgery! 

I work in a school and i deal with all staff absences - so everyone reports into me if they're ill etc.  So now i had to tell staff i wasnt going to be in, and i knew what was coming...

Everyone wanted to know why i was off during term time (oh piss off nosey people!!) and my terrible lying skills led to me telling most staff what i was having done.  Interesting reactions...some genuinely pleased for me, some giving me the 'loose weight the normal way you lazy bitch' look and my faveourite..stunned silence!!

It wasnt as bad as i thought it would be, just so bloody annoying that people know something about me that i am honestly so ashamed about.  I mean i know they see me every day, and they can see my freakiness, but still.  I got the usual "you're not that big" (thanks - so im big, just not 'needing a crane to be lifted' big), "but youve got such a pretty face", to "have you not tried dieting properly?".  Well fuck me, a diet you say?  Why didnt i think of that....

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