11 February 2011

Post OP In Hospital

So i havent blogged in the last few days mainly because ive been in and out of sleep.  My sleep patterns have been all over the place sleeping like 4 hours at night, a couple of hours in the morning and maybe 2-3 hours in the evening.

Its been lovely as ive received lots of facebook messages, emails and texts asking how im getting on and it really does make me appreicate how lucky i am to such a beautiful family and wonderful friends.  But as ive been a bit disorientated ive not been too fast replying to people - so sorry people!

Well today im flying back home and luckily im feeling pretty good!

Yesterday i had to inject myself with heparin - the first time ive ever injected myself  *so scary*.  But i was very brave and injected it into my tummy.  It actually didnt hurt toooo badly so that was good because i need to smuggle 6 needles through the airport to give myself when i get home!

Myself and the girls have woken up all positive today.  We're all looking forward to getting home =)

Debroah has popped in today like the whirlwind of energy that she is.  She really does put a positive spin on everything and you cant help but be infected by her passion, enthusiasm and sense of humour.  I have told her today that id like to come back in a year and visit Cosmetic Bliss and Dr Cierny again.  I feel all the good things that happen from this point on are thanks to their service, their kindess, and they genuinly are beautiful people inside and out. 

Today i straightened my hair, and stuck my face on.  It made me feel like the old me was back.  This morning i had a third of a glass of drinking yoghurt and for lunch i had a veggie oxo cube with hot water - it was actually nice!  Im guessing tonight i may have a banana slim fast mmmmm.  I actually like the slim fasts, i mean before my op there was no way in hell i could cope on 2 glasses a day plus a meal.  BUT they are tasty and with my new ickle tummy, i should feel more than satisifed.

The last 2 days ive had boughts of nausea, especially when ive walked.  Ive puked a few times and that was scary as i felt my tummy pulling and i was scared id pull my staples out.  Ive also had boughts of hiccups...mini teeny ones.  Another weird sensation!

Today the nausea seems to have abided but i have asked for the anti nausea medication for the flight home, along with a painkiller.

Ive also decided that i will not be sitting with the other girls on the plane just because three fatties in a row could be uncomfortable!

Dr Cierny has just come in to give us a letter to give the GP and our heparin, plus two paracetemol supositories!

He really is lovely and has a good sense of hmour - ill be eternally grateful to him =)

Heres to my new life!



  1. Loved sharing a room with you, hope I didn't keep you up all night though. x

  2. twas lovely sharing with you too =) And no you didnt keep me up - my brain was working overtime whilst there and didnt like me getting a full nights sleep! x
