22 February 2011

Day 14 - Post Op Constipation Blues

Probably too much information, but, i havent pooped for 3/4 days.  Im feeling a little bloaty today and thats when i realised i hadnt carried out any business for a while.

Ive been reading that i need a stool softner, rather than a laxative.  I'll give it another couple of days and if i still havent pooped, then off to the chemists i go!  Ive just heard back from Michael at cosmetic bliss, and hes suggested lots of water, to sip fruit juice and if things still arent happening to try lactolose (to soften it up) or a proper laxative (extreme measure but shouldnt affect my sleeve).

Im generally feeling well.  I quit smoking 4 weeks prior to surgery and thats going pretty well consdering!  I cam off patches after the operation.  It's a weird feeling really, id love a smoke right now but the thought of inhaling puts me off!!  Lets hope this is it and that i dont return to smoking!

Ive been having the most random dreams for at least 3 weeks - i'd put it down to fears about the oepration, but im still having them!  Will have to start writing them down because i forget within 5 minutes!

Today i tried pureed roast chicken - it was quite disgusting!  Roll on the 7th March where mushy becomes my new best friend!



  1. I've been suffering with this as well. I did take a laxative and Monday night was hellish. I was also sick from trying to eat pureed beef brisket. It really was an awful night, the worst so far, so hopefully only going to get better from here.

    We can both do this!!

  2. argh :( It will get easier im sure! x
